3 little pigs
“3 little pigs” is the popular and famous tale for children all around the world. One of the reasons why we chose “3 little pigs” was its popularity, which would enable children to be familiar with the story. At the same time, it can convey different messages to the children, so we thought it would be appropriate for the children at BoAi school. The attributes we have tried to teach children through the “3 little pigs” were independence and diligence. We thought children could learn these characteristics from the third pig.
It took several months for us to prepare the play. We faced many conflicts between performance team members and leader during the preparation. Since we only had 30 minutes a week to practice, the leader wanted the performance to be perfect as possible in the limited amount of time. Therefore, there was a lot of pressure for members to prepare the play. Also, we had a hard time deciding the characters. The one member decided to change his role from narrator to the third pig for the motivation, collaboration and flow of the play.
The performance was very successful in contrast to our expectation. While we were preparing, we were worried a lot because we thought children might find the play is too childish so they may feel bored with our performance. However, the children really enjoyed the play. Children and teachers even asked us to perform once more. We were proud of ourselves after the performance. It was delightful to see everyone enjoying our performance that we have put a lot of efforts.
Written by. Seoyeon Noh, Yunjung Kim